Every boat Owner becomes a boat Vendor…eventually. And let’s be frank; selling your boat can be majorly stressful.
Firstly, there’s the emotional attachment thing which is distressing enough. Then there’s dealing with boat brokers and a retinue of ‘tire kickers’ come ‘bottom feeders’, expecting to snare a bargain at your expense.
Somewhere along the line you just know it….you’re going to get royally screwed!
Stop right here!
Take a deep breath!
You should know that there’s a simple switch that changes the playing field 180 degrees in your favor. That magic switch is ‘boat buyer emotion’. Activating this switch dramatically improves your potential selling price and galvanizes buyer action. It virtually eliminates ‘bottom feeders’, meaning that you will be dealing with real buyers.
And you can do this yourself. Simply click on the link (over on the right) to download the book direct (no email required) It’s an easy read that works on all e-readers (eg. Kindle etc.). In simple steps the book shows you how. Better still…it’s free.
Inside Over-Boated you will discover the key that unlocks the buyer’s emotional heart-space; the engine room where every buying decision is made.
You will learn how to harness the subtle elements that drive the buying decision even where (as is often the case) the buying decision makes no logical sense.
Believe me: boat buyers are never driven by logic. This method is NOT about becoming a pushy salesperson. In fact, the book teaches: ‘never do any kind of sales spiel’! And there is a very good reason for this.
But what if you’re too busy and simply don’t have the time to DIY?
In this case we offer a DONE for YOU option where my team does it for you (click this link).
I say…enough is enough!
It’s time to even-up the playing field. Download the free e-book; get prepared and get started right away.
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